
Berserk, created by the late Kentaro Miura, is a legendary dark fantasy manga that has influenced generations of readers and creators. The story follows Guts, a lone warrior known as the “Black Swordsman,” who battles through a brutal world filled with demonic creatures and corrupt humanity. Driven by revenge and haunted by his past, Guts faces relentless challenges, both supernatural and personal, in his journey for vengeance and redemption.

With its complex themes, including trauma, friendship, and the struggle for purpose, Berserk explores the darkest depths of the human experience. Miura’s meticulous artwork and deeply immersive storytelling have made Berserk a landmark series. Since Miura’s passing, his team has carried on his vision, continuing to develop the story. For fans of dark fantasy, psychological depth, and intense action, Berserk remains a must-read, offering a powerful exploration of humanity and survival against all odds.